Windows XP (sp2) qtcreator OpenGL problem
Hello, I`ve installed qtcreator 5.3.1 MinGw compilant but when I start it I got an error windows:
@/* Failed to create OpenGL context for format QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depth buffersize 24 , redBufferSize-1, greenBufferSize-1, blueBufferSize-1, ... more on )
This is most likely caused by not having necessary graphics drivers installed.Install a driver providing OpenGL 2.0 or higher, or if not possible, make sure the ANGLE OpenGL ES 2.0 emulation libraries (libEGL.dll, libGLES2.dll and d3dcompiler _*.dll ) are available in the application executable`s directory or in location listed in PATH.
@I have Ati Mobility 9000 Radeon. Old card. I
ve installed the latest drivers. Updated DX and .NETs. I am a linux user so I
d really appreciate the help here! -
There is no Qt Creator 5.3.1. The latest release is 3.2.0.
5.3.1 is the version of the Qt library that you use for development (which might be different from the one Qt Creator was compiled with).Your video card only supports OpenGL 1.3 which is waaaay to low to use Qt OpenGL features. You might want to try disabling the parts of Qt Creator that use OpenGL - the welcome screen plugin and any other QtQuick related plugins.
Another option is to compile Qt Creator yourself using ANGLE Qt build, but as your card only supports DX8.1 I'm not sure that would work (ANGLE uses DX9/10).