Expanding the Window when clicked
Check if "this":http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/46690/ helps you ?
I appreciate it. What I'm trying to do is have a note expand to a fixed size when I double click the notetoolbar component. Once is does that I can write my notes and scroll up and down. Once I'm done writing the note I just want to double click again and see it go back to its original size.
Ok. Also you can change the width and height of the component on doubleclick.
I'm still having trouble getting it to work so here is the code for the note component. This is the code for the notetoolbar compnent. If I can get this figured out I'll be good to go. And thanks for your help p3c0
@import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1Rectangle {
width: 100
height: 62
color:"#9c9449"MouseArea { id: mouseArea1 doubleClicked:{ height: 400 } anchors.fill: parent width: 100 height: 62 }
Well i see multiple issues here,
- The handler is onDoubleClicked and not doubleClicked so change it.
- Since you want to change the height of Rectangle you must refer to it in MouseArea using the id of Rectangle or since it's a parent of MouseArea you can use parent.
- No need to use binding there.
MouseArea {
id: mouseArea1
parent.height =400
@Also you need not specify width and height for MouseArea since you are already filling it to parent's width and height.