Changing colour scheme on pop-up helper box in QT Creator
The pop-up box in QT Creator is hideous on my system. It's hwite on cream. Unreadable.
This is what I mean:
This is a fresh installation of QT-Creator. I tried chaning the colour scheme (to inkpot) but it made no difference to the colours of this pop-up. Where can I control the colours of this pop-up so I can read it?
Check "this":
May be you can try to add a stylesheet for ToolTip. -
[quote author="T3STY" date="1409823701"]If I'm not wrong, the help popup is drawn from the system theme. I can't find any setting in Qt Creator to change that.[/quote]
That would explain why I couldn't find it either. System colour scheme tastic. I'm using Gnome 3.something and flipping to the system "dark" theme swung it right back round to legible.