Qt Centre Registration Problem
It seems Qt Centre isn't sending out registration emails anymore for nearly 3weeks. I tried resending several times, created a new account and yes, i checked my spam folder.
This is also seems to be indicated by the last joined user date:
http://i.imgur.com/YTKfJqz.pngSo if anyone knows the guys over there and can tell them that their system ain't working that would be great.
It would be greater if someone with a working account could download the following two files for me and upload them somewhere else (cause you cannot do that without an activated account):
http://www.qtcentre.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=8040&d=1343200381 -
Off hand I don't know who to contact, but there is a Contact Us link on the page footer:
The whois record for the domain references some obscure company in the registrant field. Hopefully that's not where mail to the admin goes.
Hi, i sent an pm last evening to one of the moderators of qtcentre.org, didn't get a response, but now there is another user name as " newest member", so i think the problem is fixed.