Append struct into nested QList don't work [SOLVED]
This does not work, what am I doing wrong?
I appreciate the help,
struct StructA
QString strStrA;
unsigned int uintStrA;
qreal qrlStrA;StructA(void) { uintStrA = 0; qrlStrA = 0; }
struct StructB
QString strStrB;
unsigned int uintStrB;
qreal qrlStrB;QList<StructA> lstStructA; StructB(void) { uintStrB = 0; qrlStrB = 0; }
void procedure(void)
QList<StructB> lstStructB;StructB strb; StructA stra; strb.strStrB = "abc"; strb.uintStrB = 1; strb.qrlStrB = 2; stra.strStrA = "def"; stra.uintStrA = 3; stra.qrlStrA = 4; strb.lstStructA.append( stra ); // this works lstStructB.append( strb ); StructA structa; structa.strStrA = "ghi"; structa.uintStrA = 5; structa.qrlStrA = 6; // this does not work, compiling reports // "error: C2663: 'QList <T> :: append': 2 overloads have no meaningful // conversion to pointer 'this' with [T = StructA]" lstStructB.size()-1 ).lstStructA.append( structa );
@ -
QList returns const objects. You can't modiy the objects by calling "append" on them. Consider using takeAt() method instead.
Hello sierdzio, thanks for reply,
I apologize, the QList man says:
bq. QList uses 0-based indexes, just like C++ arrays. To access the item at a particular index position, you can use operator [] (). On non-const lists, operator [] () returns a reference to the item and can be used on the left side of an assignment:
in the following line:
bq. Because QList is implemented as an array of pointers, this operation is very fast (constant time). For read-only access, an alternative syntax is to use at()
a mistake of mine,
I ask apologies and thank you for the reply,
Best regards
Hey, no problem. That is one of the reasons this forum exists: to solve issues like this one :)