[Solved]problem using Qftp
hello, I'm working on an graphical application who use an FTP connection to synchronize data with a Web server.
I previously develop the "ftp part" without graphical interface and it worked fine, but now the commands are scheduled but never executed. I can't find out why.there is the part of the code where I use the Qftp:
void myFtp::run()
this->_connectCmd = this->_ftp->connectToHost("ftp.qt.nokia.com");
qDebug() << this->_connectCmd;
@and i connect the commandFinished and commandStarted to slots who just print with qDebug() the status of the command, but nothing is never printed after the "qDebug() << this->_connectCmd;"
here is some additional stuff:
my ftp class:
class myFtp : public QObject
public:explicit myFtp(QString host, QString login, QString pass, QString dir, int port, QObject *parent = 0); void run();
void connected(bool statut);
public slots:
void cmd_end(int i, bool j); void cmd_start(int i);
QString _host; QString _login; QString _pass; QString _dir; int _port; bool _connected; int _connectCmd; int _logCmd; QFtp* _ftp;
@and where it is used in my app:
void Widget::doConnect()
this->lockAll(); // this is locking the interface during the connexion, i try to remove it but no change
myFtp ftp(this->_ftpServeur, this->_login, this->_pass, this->_ftpDir, this->_ftpPort);
@thanks for your help and don't hesitate to give me advice if I you see some ... improbable code style.
connectToHost is asynchronous, so you may want to create your ftp object (in doConnect method) on the heap using new...