QDoubleValidator don´t fix comma and point
I am dealing with validation, need to validate a form
wit integer and doubles.
put a integer validator, i not need ranges:intlineEdit->setValidator(new QIntValidator());
if a write this number:
Wen it lost the focus, fix the content to:
that behaviour is nice.But in other widget need to validate double with no ranges
doublelineEdit->setValidator(new QDoubleValidator());
if a write:
when it lost the focus Nothing Hapen!!.
1,23,4,56.45i dont set InputMask
How can fix it, i want the same bahaviour like integervalidator. -
Reading from de docs, QIntValidator has a fixup() function which does fix the contents as you describe. QDoubleValidator however does not provide a fixup() function. So if you would like the same behaviour as QIntValidator, then create your own by subclassing QValidator.