QtCore Dependencies.
I build the QT core using the command line and configured to use VS 2008. The compilation was completed with no problems. The output dll when opened in the depends.exe reveals that it is dependant on MSVCRT.dll and not MSVCRT90.dll, is this normal, what does it mean if I want to deploy this dll along with my product on a fresh machine which does not have the MSVCRT90.dll installed will this work?
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1073509/should-i-redistribute-msvcrt-dll-with-my-applicationIf this VS runtime stuff sucks too much: MinGW makes deployment much easier.
See the general hints on "Deploying Qt Applications":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/stable/deployment.html and the specific instructions for "Windows":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/stable/deployment-windows.html
These docs are available in Qt Assistant too.