Text rendering bug with OpenGL ES?
If I build QUIt Coding's "5-in-a-row demo":http://quitcoding.com/?page=work with Qt 4.7.2 on a desktop, it displays all Text items correctly when using desktop OpenGL.
However, if I instead configure Qt with "-egl -opengl es2", only some of the text displays -- in particular, Text items show nothing with style: Text.Normal, but they do show the expected text if the style is Text.Raised, Text.Sunken or Text.Outline. (I see the same behavior in another application, which is what I really care about, but the 5-in-a-row demo makes it easy to reproduce.)
I see the same behavior with both the Mesa EGL/GLES2.x libraries and with Imagination Technologies' PVRVFrame libraries, which makes me think it is a problem in Qt or the application code rather than in the OpenGL ES stack.
Is this the intended behavior?
[EDIT: fixed link formatting, Volker]
There were some changes to QML text painting in 4.7.2, which is probably what is causing the issue. If you set the environmental variable QML_ENABLE_TEXT_IMAGE_CACHE=1 does it display correctly for you again?
Have you been able to reproduce the issue on a device, or only with the desktop es2 emulation?
Michael -
As an update: The target device did not show the problem before because I was not actually using QWS_DISPLAY=powervr. When Qt does use hardware acceleration on the target device, Text items show mostly corrupted without QML_ENABLE_TEXT_IMAGE_CACHE but show correctly with QML_ENABLE_TEXT_IMAGE_CACHE=1.
Okay, thanks for the update. If you decide QML_ENABLE_TEXT_IMAGE_CACHE isn't sufficient for your needs, I'd suggest filing a bug at http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com. You could possibly also try HEAD of 4.7 to see if things are fixed there (as there have been numerous QML fixes since 4.7.2).