How To C++ output to QML Text Element
In short: I tried several tutorials and can not find out how to send my 'cout' to an qml file Text element to change the text in it.
For example
Text {
id: mytext
text: "Hello"
@It shows a window with "Hello" text in it. And I want to change that text from cpp file to "Bye" for example.
I tried to understand how Signals and Slots are working but most tutorials are either incompatible with my version of qt or to difficult to follow for me.
I use:
Ubuntu 14.04
QtCreator 3.1.1
Based on Qt 5.2.1 (GCC 4.8.2, 64 bit)
Built on Jul 2 2014 at 11:57:41Here is my timer application from some tutorial running in terminal: "MyTimerTest":
welcome to forum. Refer the Qt assistant for "Integrating QML to C++".
- In order to integrate with Qml and Qt you need to create the Qt Quick UI application.
- You need to expose the C++ Qobject to QML
Qt Assistant has good Tutorial and examples. You should get them now.
Just I have pasted sample of main.cpp here.
QGuiApplication a(argc, argv); QQuickView view; view.setSource(QUrl("qrc:/app.qml")); QQmlEngine *eng = view.engine(); QQmlContext *cont = eng->rootContext(); MyTimer mTimer; cont->setContextProperty("MTimer",&mTimer); // Create an instance of my timer;
If you need complete example drop an email to me. I will send the complete sample of the above.