First steps!
Hi all, i'm a senior java developer.
i'd like to start developing a desktop application using Qt. Despite there is a lot of documentation, i'm not able to find a starting point to learn this framework.
Can you suggest me where or how to start learning?
Thanks in advance.
Qt is much similar like c++. Why not you convert any of your small project in qt! In this way you will learn that part which you want to use in near future. Otherwise as you know, Any language have large content . So how can any body say you have to start from here !!
Hi, and welcome to the Qt Dev Net!
Qt is a very large framework, so there are many possible starting points.
Do you have a project in mind already? If so, let us know and we'll try to match you up with a good example.
If you want to create a basic GUI using Qt Widgets, see "Getting Started Programming with Qt Widgets":
Thanks for your replies!!
Yes we know developing with Qt means to learn C++ and a lot of other things. And we want to face this task of a language migration :D
Yes we have a project in mind. What we'd like to do is a desktop cross-platform (basically Windows and Mac platforms) application for customer management of a small company.
We need something like a tutorial, or more tutorials, starting from beginner level, to learn how to use this framework. Then, thanks to a "learning by doing" strategy, we want to learn how to interact with databases (wich is the best for desktop applications?), UI, I/O devices or streams, and integrate the application with the most popular clouding technologies (Google Drive, Dropbox etc..)
I hope that my questions are not too general.
Hope,You can find your solution in these threads.
I recommend going in this order:
Learn C++. Open your favourite search engine and search for "C++ for Java programmers"
Follow the "Getting Started Programming with Qt Widgets": tutorial to learn how to create a UI, and how to use Signals and Slots (this is a core part of Qt).
Do extra reading on "Signals and Slots":
Follow some "SQL Examples": to learn database interaction.
Follow the "HTTP Example": to learn how to send HTTP requests (e.g. to Google Drive)
After you've done these, you should have most of the important knowledge you need. Feel free to come back to the forum to ask more questions when you've reached that stage.
[quote]wich is the best for desktop applications?[/quote]Do you mean which database is best? That would depend on your requirements. It sounds like you want a central database server which can be accessed by many different clients. Qt supports many kinds of SQL.