Gridlines and rendering performance
i added in a GVF application gridlines. I tried three options:
1- Subclassing QGraphicsScene and implementing lines in drawBackground()
2- Subclassing QGraphicsItem and implementing lines in paint()
3- Adding QGraphicsLineItem's in a QGraphicsItemGroup and then adding the group item into the scene.The first two options were very slow. As i added a new QGraphicsItem in the scene and moved it, the item moved behind the mouse pointer. The third option was clearly faster than first two ones.
I tried to change the rendering options of the view, but as soon as an item touched the grid, it became very slow.
I would like to implement the first solution for a better sw-design.
Any idea how can the rendering performance of the QGraphicsView be improved?
Oh, i removed that function for performance issues. I m using the third one. But it was something like this:
m_space = 10;
// Tried both QPen and setBackgroundBrush(Qt::blue);
void MyScene::drawBackground(QPainter * painter, const QRectF & rect)
{/* Draw lines */ for (int x = 0; x <= 500; x += m_space) { painter->drawLine(x, 0, x, 500); } for (int y = 0; y <= 500; y += m_space) { painter->drawLine(0, y, 500, y); }
@And i have an item (inherited from QGraphicsObject), which has 3 rectangles and text in it (not complex).
If i move my item on the grid, it becomes very slow (if FullViewportUpdate is set, then it is slow everywhere).
i hope this code is enough, or else i can implement it again and send it (real code can not fit in here)
OK. I can see that that might be slow (lots of drawLine calls)
Here's what I did - the difference is that all the lines are put into a variable length array, and then just one draw call.@
void GraphicsScene::drawBackground(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect)
if (!m_gridOn)
//this draws the background grid
qreal left = int(rect.left()) - (int(rect.left()) % m_gridSize);
qreal top = int( - (int( % m_gridSize);QVarLengthArray<QLineF, 100> lines;
for (qreal x= left; x < rect.right(); x += m_gridSize)
lines.append(QLineF(x,, x, rect.bottom()));for (qreal y= top; y < rect.bottom(); y += m_gridSize)
lines.append(QLineF(rect.left(), y, rect.right(), y));painter->setPen(m_gridPen);
painter->drawLines(, lines.size());
@ -
Ok, i took some time, changed my code and put your drawBackground()-version to test what happens => it was fast. That was amazing. Then i begin to play with your code. After a while i found out one thing : i wanted to define A4 page size for borderlines and therefore put a printer object in drawBackground() -> it was very slow again. Then i defined setBackgroundBrush() in this function, saw it was faster than using printer-object but slower as expectations. So if you define a printer object or call setBackgroundBrush() in drawBackground() it will be slow.
But i dont think this was my problem yesterday, because i tried to draw lines with only QPen too and it was slow, which is fast now. I think there was another problem, but i can't reproduce it again now.
After all this i can say i observed this :
- drawing lines in loop doesn't make it slow : that is the answer to my question
- using QPrinter makes drawBackground() very slow
- using setBackgroundBrush() makes drawBackground() slow
- using QPen is faster than using setBackgroundBrush()
I dont know if these are general.
Thank you for your support.