QPainter: Assemble parts of a widget.
I've been looking into owner draw painting, using QPainter.
My basic understanding runs as far as in "this tutorial here.":http://blog.rburchell.com/2010/02/pyside-tutorial-custom-widget-painting.html
Along with the regular class references.
The task being, creating a custom widget that uses bits of another one.
Currently my goal is to draw a widget using the background theme represented inside a table view header.
This corresponds with my previous post, editing a tableviews header labels.
I've seen notes using a QStylepainter, but no tutorials for that particular option.
Any ideas/examples are appreciated, thank you. :)
--: Import the required modules:
from PySide.QtGui import * # QT widget library
class Key(QWidget):
On creation do
def init(self, parent):
Init the parent constructor:
QWidget.init(self, parent)
When the widget requires a repaint do:
def paintEvent(self, ev):
this = QPainter( self)
if name == 'main':
import sys; app = QApplication(sys.argv)
window = QWidget(None)
widget = Key(window)