MS Word write to field
Hello everyone
I'm facing a problem when trying to write into a word's doc file text field.@
word = new QAxWidget(this);
word->dynamicCall("Visible", true );
//how to open a file
QAxObject* docs = word->querySubObject( "Documents" );
QVariant filename("c:/a.docx");
QVariant confirmconversions(false);
QVariant readonly(false);
QVariant addtorecentfiles(false);
QVariant passworddocument("");
QVariant passwordtemplate("");
QVariant revert(false);
QAxObject* doc = docs->querySubObject("Open(const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&,const QVariant&)", filename, confirmconversions, readonly, addtorecentfiles, passworddocument, passwordtemplate, revert);
QAxObject* a = doc->querySubObject("test.Text = "Hello"");
@The last line is my try to access the field.Field's name is test and the "Text" is the field's property i want to edit to insert my text.
I would really appreciate any help cause i'm stack here for almost two weeks.
Thank you very much