[solved] How to extract global data for xml width XmlListModel
Before I have been using ListModel, now I used an XmlListModel, I want to know how to extract a global data from an xml file like is done in an example from QML Data Model :
@ Rectangle {
width: 200; height: 200ListModel { id: fruitModel property string language: "en" ListElement { name: "Apple" cost: 2.45 } ListElement { name: "Orange" cost: 3.25 } ListElement { name: "Banana" cost: 1.95 } } Component { id: fruitDelegate Row { Text { text: " Fruit: " + name; color: ListView.view.fruit_color } Text { text: " Cost: $" + cost } Text { text: " Language: " + ListView.view.model.language } } } ListView { property color fruit_color: "green" model: fruitModel delegate: fruitDelegate anchors.fill: parent }
In this example the global var is defined at line 6. Can someone explain me how to do such thing with XmlListModel.
Thanks -
Unfortunately, there isn't yet a real elegant solution to querying XML files for non-list data (see http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-12953 for one possible way of handling this in the future). One thing you could try is to treat the whole file like a "list of one object", use XmlListModel to query for that object, and use model.get(0).language to obtain the value.