QProcess launches application in the background on MAC 10.6
Well, have you tried "open [package dir]"?
No, I only start the app. There are two application, a.app(QT GUI) and UICaller(CLI). In a.app
@void main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if(argc == 1)
QProcess process;
QString strAppName(/../UICaller);
bool bRet = process.startDetached(strAppName);
In UICaller , Elevation of privilege, and use "exec" to start a.app
[quote author="unclewerner" date="1299660443"]Well, have you tried "open [package dir]"?[/quote] -
Then the problem is within your UICaller. It needs to open the app package (not just exec it!). You can try this from the command line using "open <package>" compared to simply calling the executable within the package. There is a difference here on Mac. Although I'm not sure how it behaves when you open an app as a different user.