Qt Quick Platform support
I am porting some applications on the new Qt SDK 1.1 beta both for testing purposes and because the new version has a lot of useful improvements. Regarding the Qt-Quick I appreciated that is able without great difficulties to import previous QML projects. In the documentation the process is cleared explained, but speak about only one QML file.
Importing QML projects that use more than one file (in a subdirectory of the QML project) the main file is imported while the related QML sources are left where they are and are only linked in some ways. Everything works but the problem is that the "linked" files can't be included in the subversion repository. Is there a way to move the files? Is this a bug or it is the right way the new platform should work? -
The documentation reports that specifying where is the old main QML source the previous code is imported. As a matter of fact, the project is "linked" (probably there is a more precise term to describe)
What I found in the .pro file is something like this:@# Add more folders to ship with the application, here
folder_01.source = ../old_qml_folders
folder_01.target = qml
DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS = folder_01@To solve the question, simply copy (or move) the old QML directory tree in the new QT-Quick project folder and edit the .pro project file so it became something like this:
@# Add more folders to ship with the application, here
folder_01.source = ./
folder_01.target = qml
DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS = folder_01@Then, close and re-open the project. Don't forget to add the new files to the repository list, e.g. I have done for the git repo:
@$>git add *
$> git commit -m 'Moved old QML source files to the right folder'@That's all.