Qt doesn't simulator work?
I did some project and first it works. Later when i test it, it didn't work. I think I didn't do anything for it, but it doesn't open in any "simulator". Debug, release, simulator for MinGW 4.4 ... anything doesn't open. What wrong? Any other project can open and always comes onle text: "collect2: ld returned 1 exit status".
@#include "test.h"
#include "ui_test.h"Test::Test(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::Test)
delete ui;
}void Test::on_pushButton_clicked()
int a = 100-ui->spinBox->value();
int b = ui->spinBox_4->value();
int c = 12-ui->spinBox_2->value();
int d = ui->spinBox_5->value();
int e = 31-ui->spinBox_3->value();
int f = ui->spinBox_6->value();
Do you know what's the problem or is my Qt broken?
What I must do to get it works?
Thanx and sorry my bad English. -
In my project was some kind of error, so I start again.
If I do command like this why it doesn't name letter c.
@void Testi::on_pushButton_clicked()
int a = 100-ui->spinBox->value();
int b = 12-ui->spinBox_2->value();
if (b==1)
int c = 31-ui->spinBox_3->value();
else if (b==2)
int c = 28-ui->spinBox_3->value();
else if (b==4)
int c = 30-ui->spinBox_3->value();
int d = ui->spinBox_4->value();
int e = ui->spinBox_5->value();
int f = ui->spinBox_6->value();
Is there something wrong in my project?