Installing FastCgiQt
I'm trying to install FastCgiQt but i ran into some problems.
I downloaded the source tree from: and copied the "lib" and "include" directory to "C:\Qt\2010.05\qt".
In my project I have included the nescessary header files and the editor detects them correctly.But when I compile a bunch of linking errors show up, stating that the functions in the FastCgiQt header files are not implemented:
@C:\Qt\2010.05\webtest2-build-desktop/debug/main.o:: In function
Z5qMainiPPc': C:\Qt\2010.05\webtest2-build-desktop/../webtest2/main.cpp:11: error: undefined reference to
C:\Qt\2010.05\webtest2-build-desktop/../webtest2/main.cpp:23: error: undefined reference toFastCgiQt::Manager::~Manager()' C:\Qt\2010.05\webtest2-build-desktop/../webtest2/main.cpp:23: error: undefined reference to
:: error: collect2: ld returned 1 exit status@Do i have to add some additional references to some kind of makefile or the .pro file?
How do i specify the FastCgiQt library in the .pro file?
I know it's a linker problem, but can't I just include the sources in the Qt directory and compile them on the fly. My question is: Why doesn't Qt know that the .cpp implementation of the .h file in the include folder is located in \qt\lib?