Building qt 4.8 with webkit gstreamer Problems
I'm trying to install qt 4.8 with webkit form the package "qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0" I have installed the gstreamer-0.10.29 in /usr/bin and the gstreamer-0.10.36 in $HOME/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-2.3.0/platforms/linux64Gcc/gst-0.10.36
The installation without -webkit is succesfull. If I try to do @configure -webkit@ this succeeds, but in gmake I get the message: undefined reference to `gst_x_overlay_set_window_handle'@@pkg-config --modversion gstreamer-0.10@
leads to
@0.10.36 @
Has anyone an idea, what I have to do to install the webkit?