Server pages with qt
In principle, it is. But Qt is not build for that purpose.
Perhaps you should look into "wt": It is inspired on Qt, but build for doing server pages.
Do you mean "simple" instead of "simply"?
Perhaps you should make your requirements a bit more clear then. What do you want to achieve exactly? Why would you think that Qt would be simpler to use for web service applications than wt?
What you could do perhaps, is use PHP with your favourite web server, and let PHP communicate with your Qt program via a socket to get the "application data" you're talking about, in much the same way that you can communicate with databases from PHP. I have done that myself in the past, and it works fine. It is hard to judge based on the extremely sparse information you give if this would work in your case though.
There are only a few frameworks for C++ web development. But maybe all you need is a template processor.
Here is a discussion which could be of interest to you: -
But need more handy. And simply access to c++ class fields from html.
Did you look at "Grantlee": Is that what you need?
Take a look at "this": which may be of interest to you if you want to build an actual http server.
If you are just doing it locally then a templating library is you rbest bet like Andre mentioned.