Qt problem
#include<QTextStream>int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
QTextStream cout(stdout);
bool ok;
double length = QString(argv[1]).toDouble();
double breadth = QString(argv[2]).toDouble();double area = length * breadth;
if (area == 0.0)
cout << "The area of length: " << length << " and breadth "
<< breadth << " is : " << area << "squared cm";
return 0;}
@ello my question is -
A)Generate appropriate messages when no command line arguments are provided
B) and the command line arguments are non-numeric values
can someone please help with this ?
Thank you kindly[edit: please use @ tags around your code, Eddy]
welcome to devnet
As far as I see those are hardly Qt problems.
For A the command line check I recommend some of the standard tutotrials for C++ (e.g. "first":http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/lesson14.html and "second":http://www.learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/713-command-line-arguments/ )
For B you seem to be on a pretty good path or do you see a problem ?
For A), I would suggest you look at the variable argc which gives a count of the number of arguments (including the actual command)