Settings file for "Attach to remote debug server" dialog?
What file are the settings for the "Attach to remote debug server" dialog stored in?
I was using that for many months to debug an Android project (cocos2d-x, not Qt Android) and it took me f#%$ forever to figure out the exact settings to get it working. After not using the project for a while, today I found that all the settings I had in that dialog are gone. I checked through all the files that might be relevant (xxx.creator.user.* etc) but there is no trace of any of the settings I had. I also checked back through my source control history and backups, and it seems like the settings were never written to any of the files I have..... were they?
Might be you opened the project that is already opened in another machine. Delete the .pro.user file from your source history and configure the debug/ release path.
The project does not have a .pro file, I created it via "Import existing project", and set up the build steps (android update, ndk-build, ant etc) myself. It has a .creator.user file instead.
I don't think the debug/release path is relevant because I'm debugging the app running on the device, so I start the app, then start the debug server (ndk-gdb), then I use "Attach to remote debug server".
Yes i understood this, let me check this scenario and will come back to you.
Well I finally figured it out. The settings are stored in (on Linux):
~/.config/QtProject/QtCreator.iniSo the settings to start a debug session are not related to any specific project in the first place. While I can kinda understand this, (because it is not strictly necessary to have a project open to start debugging), I don't think it's very convenient.
For example, I now have multiple projects which I'm switching between, and to start debugging I need to reconfigure the settings for the "Attach to remote debug server" dialog every time. It would be much more convenient if the settings in that dialog could be kept as project settings.