[Solved]txt file output the line number or row number where i got the max value
Hi friends,
i have to read a txt file and compare the rows get the maximum value along with the index of the row i have got the maximum number.
what i have done so far is read the txt file line by line and compare the values and output the maximum number, but not index of the row where I got the maximum number.
could someone please help me how i could get the index of a maximum number(or the line number where i get the maximum value).
for example if have
7,8,9,2,1output should be like
index, maximum number
2 , 7
2 , 8
1 , 5
0 ,7please i have tried different ways but i couldn't be able to figure out how to do this, hope some one will assist me.
for (row = 0; row < 5; row++){
QByteArray line = file.readLine(); // read line by line
QList<QByteArray> numbers = line.split(',');
for (column = 0; column < (numbers.size() - 1); column++) {
data = numbers[column].toInt(); // convert the byte array into an integer
if (data > max[column]) // compare with row number to get the maximum number of colum0 etc.
max[column] = data;
@[edit: added coding tags @ SGaist]
There are several ways to do it e.g. a QList<QPair<int, int>> where the QPair's first is the row and QPair's second is the max value
Hope it helps
For each row store the max and max column values and add them to the list before starting a new row
Hi try this..
int l=0;
QList<int> lst;
QList<QPair<int,int> > list;
QPair<int,int> pair;
int Column=4;
int Row=3;
for(int i = 0; i < Column; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < Row; j++)
pair.first = j;
QList<int>::iterator it= std::max_element(lst.begin(),lst.end());
qDebug() <<"MAX : "<< *it << "index :" << pair.first;
Data is your 2D array inwhich your values of your file is stored.
Thanks IamSumit & SGaist that works, have taken one more variable Maxindex and updated row to that variable, fixes the problem
for (row = 0; row < 5; row++){
QByteArray line = file.readLine(); // read line by line
QList<QByteArray> numbers = line.split(',');
for (column = 0; column < (numbers.size() - 1); column++) {
data = numbers[column].toInt(); // convert the byte array into an integer
if (data > max[column]) // compare with row number to get the maximum number of colum0 etc.
max[column] = data;
Maxindex[column] = row;
@[edit add missing @ coding tags SGaist]