QBS -> custom toolchain
How can one add a custom build toolchain to QBS? As far as I understand this should be possible using a Module. I tried it like this:
@import qbs 1.0
import qbs.File
import qbs.FileInfo
import qbs.ModUtilsModule {
name: "hal"FileTagger { patterns: ["*.hal"] fileTags: ["hal"] } Rule { id: compiler inputs: ['hal'] prepare: { var args = []; args.push(input.fileName); var cmd = new Command("echo", args); cmd.description = 'compiling ' + FileInfo.fileName(input.fileName); cmd.highlight = 'compiler'; return cmd; } }
@@import qbs
Product {
name: "testProduct"
files: ["test.hal", "main.cpp"]Group { name: "QML files" files: ["main.qml"] fileTags: ["qml"] } Depends { name: "hal" } FileTagger { patterns: "*.qml" fileTags: ["qml"] } Group { // Properties for qml files name: "Install" fileTagsFilter: ["hal"] qbs.install: true qbs.installDir: "/blu/bin" } qbsSearchPaths: "machinekit"
@Shouldn't this echo all my *.hal files?
Where can I get more help to QBS in general? The stuff in the documentation is not much at all.