QTableWidgetItem::sortItems. "Losing" data because of misunderstanding of its use.
First of all, please forgive me my english.In my project i use QTableWidget, which should be sorted by first column by default.
I add QTableWidgetItems in this manner:
@int RowsCount = 0;
ui->relTabRelTable->setRowCount(ui->relTabRelTable->rowCount()+1); //add row to table
RowsCount = ui->relTabRelTable->rowCount()-1; //as usual, length != index.//UID QTableWidgetItem *tmpTableWidgetItemUID = new QTableWidgetItem; tmpTableWidgetItemUID->setText(tmpRel.relUID); //add text from my variable. ui->relTabRelTable->setItem(RowsCount,0,tmpTableWidgetItemUID); //add information to the last row. //Formula QTableWidgetItem *tmpTableWidgetItemFormula = new QTableWidgetItem; tmpTableWidgetItemFormula->setText(tmpRel.formula); //add text from my variable ui->relTabRelTable->setItem(RowsCount,1,tmpTableWidgetItemFormula);
As you can see, i decided to add everything on the last row.
At first, everything had been working fine, until i decided to use this:
@ui->relTabRelTable->sortItems(0);@According to it's description:
@void QTableWidget::sortItems(int column, Qt::SortOrder order = Qt::AscendingOrder)
Sorts all the rows in the table widget based on column and order.@I* decided, that it sorts when i call it*. But reality is different) After the use of this public slot, qtablewidget sorts whenever i add something new. Because of this, when i add information as i mentioned above, i get first column on the sorted row and all other information, on the last row.
i have found two solutions:
- first add sorted column, than get it's row and add all other information on it. But this is useful only if you never change sorting column.
- before adding new information i add setSortingEnabled(false) and setSortingEnabled(true) after all.
Is there any other simple way to do my task?
Did i correctly understand how sortItems works?
Can i disable only sortItems and still have sortingEnabled == true ? -
Try to set the column to 1, not 0 for the sortItems function. The first data row is 1
That might do the trick.
The setSortingEnabled() should only need to be set once after construction. -
Thank you for your prompt reply.
[quote author="Jeroentje@home" date="1396274605"]Hi,
Try to set the column to 1, not 0 for the sortItems function. The first data row is 1
That might do the trick. [/quote]
I checked this. It can be strange, but 0 - is the first column. And 0 is the first row with data.[quote author="Jeroentje@home" date="1396274605"]
The setSortingEnabled() should only need to be set once after construction.
[/quote]I also think so, but it is the easiest solution.