Gui updates on Windows stop if window minimize button is held down
Hello. I'm wondering if this is a known quirk, I couldn't find it in google. On windows (I'm on win7 x64, but I also tried win XP in virtualbox, same results there) if you press and hold witih the mouse any of the three buttons in the window upper right corner (minimize, restore or close) interface updates stop and won't resume until you release it. Also happens with other programs that use Qt (I tried qBittorrent and Transmission-Qt).
I'm not sure that Qt has anything to do with title bar buttons.Under X11 they're controlled by WM , so supose that under mswin same thing happens.Don't know how exactly mswin works but if Qt controls such thing then it happens when you click and hold any widget.
[quote author="zeljko" date="1396249202"]Don't know how exactly mswin works but if Qt controls such thing then it happens when you click and hold any widget.[/quote]
If you mean "any widget", then it is not true, for example I can put a QButton, inherited from QWidget, onto my window, hold it and gui still updates. If you mean widget as in window, then merely clicking and holding a window by its title bar also doesn't break updates.