How to get the real size of a scrollable Widget
Hi there!
I would like to put 2 QTableWidgets, which are much bigger than the screen is, inside a QScrollArea. I want the QTableWidgets to be placed with their maximum size inside the QScrollArea so that I can scroll them only with the scrollbars of the QScollArea.So I did the following:
@ QFrame* frame = new QFrame(this);
QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(frame);
QScrollArea scroll = new QScrollArea(this);
MyTabeWidget jt1 = new MyTabeWidget(this);
MyTabeWidget* jt2 = new MyTabeWidget(this);
this->setCentralWidget(scroll);@MyTabeWidget is derived from QTableWidget.
But if I do so I have a large QMainWindow which holds my QScrollArea, which has no scrollbars, and there are 2 tiny MyTabeWidgets in it having both scrollbars.How can I insert the MyTabeWidgets with their maximum sizo, so that they dont have any scrollbars by their own.
Thank you!