Resource management in a Qt class
I have a Widget class that displays certain information from a file.
Say, the information can be shown in a QVBoxLayout which contains a number of QLabels depending on the file.
The class also has a slot which is executed when a new file is opened.
I want everything currently visible to be discarded and display the information from the new file.How do I 'delete' the old objects?
I can not reuse(QLabel::setText) them, since the number of items will vary.When I just call delete the delete operator on them, I get a segfault.
What is the recommended way of handling this in Qt? -
it should work if you just remove the root widget of your layout from the view and then invoke the deleteLater() slot maybe?
Also in the last I had no problem with just deleting a widget that was still visible, but that should be bad practice no matter if that works or not :D