The same code works under Windows and fails under GNU/Linux
I'm new to Qt. I'm trying to port a M. Windows QT application to GNU/Linux x86 with gcc 4.4.3 under Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS which relies on Debian/Linux 6.0 (squeeze).
The code works properly under Windows XP and 7.
I'm able to compile and link the program under GNU/Linux x86. However, when I launch it, I get the bellow Qt error message :
QCoreApplication::arguments: Please instantiate the QApplication object first
QWidget: Must construct a QApplication before a QPaintDevice
AbandonDo you have any idea of the issue ?
It seems very clear to me. Create a QApplication object in your main function before you create anything that might need the paint system.
Could u post your main ?
does you window code has same main as in Linux code ? cause the same error you should also get for windows then
There is no difference in main function between Windows and Linux:
@int main(int argc,char **argv)
// User interface enabled
if (argc < 3 || argv[1] == string(":"))
MyApp app(argc,argv);
return app.exec(); // event loop
// User interface disabled
int code = 0;
extern void run(const QString &,const QString &);
if (argc == 3) run(argv[1],argv[2]);
catch (int _code)
code = _code;
return code;
}@ -
What is MyApp? Is it a QApplication decendant class?
I am assuming from code
@ MyApp app(argc,argv);
return app.exec(); // event loop
@MyApp here is derived from QCoreApplication then make it QApplication then no issues with this
However what is this segement do ? and when is it executed
@ extern void run(const QString &,const QString &);
if (argc == 3) run(argv[1],argv[2]);
@This could be executed on Linux and does not create MyApp in this case.
Hey need clarification on above from you, i have assumed many things i believe
@class MyApp : public QApplication
bool tested;
QString program;
streambuf *coutbuf;
virtual ~MyApp();
MyApp(int,char **);
};@The extern run function is using QDomDocument and QDomElement objects.
Your MyApp constructor should have an int reference:
@MyApp(int &, char **)@
Also, your MyApp constructor should explicitly construct the QApplication using QApplication(int &, char **):
@MyApp::MyApp(int &argc, char **argv) :
QApplication(argc, argv)
}@ -
This signature of your constructor is wrong:
MyApp(int,char **);
@Use exactcly the same as QApplication!
And don't forget to include the Q_OBJECT macro.
Do you really need to Q_OBJECT macro here, Volker? I don't see any use of its facilities here?
At least if you need some qobject_cast<> later on. And in principle it is a good idea to put the macro in every QObject derived class. Even if you do not need the functionality, it does not harm. And you need not worry about it if you change minds afterwards.
I thought as much.
Not really needed for this, but a good habit to do for every QObject decendant class. -
Good discussion, coming back to main question here.
which code is getting executed here on Linux could u check that thru debug statement or some other way?
I mean is it
@ MyApp app(argc,argv);
return app.exec(); // event loop
if (argc == 3) run(argv[1],argv[2]);
@And how it is different from Windows execution?
Problem seems simple here i guess, its just you have to check the difference between win and Linux in terms of main() code execution, max u might have to go 1 layer down but that should resolve ur problem.
Show us the implementation of your MyApp constructor, please.
[quote author="vishwajeet" date="1298555161"]
Problem seems simple here i guess, its just you have to check the difference between win and Linux in terms of main() code execution, max u might have to go 1 layer down but that should resolve ur problem. [/quote][Highlighting by me]
Can you please use correct english in your writings. It's hard to read these non obvious abbreviations, especially for non-native speakers. This is neither Twitter nor SMS, we do have far more than 140 available :-) so no need to confuse people.
Now the MyApp class has the below declaration :
@class MyApp : public QApplication
bool tested;
QString program;
streambuf *coutbuf;
virtual ~MyApp();
MyApp(int &,char **);
};@And below is its definition :
@MyApp::MyApp(int &argc,char **argv) : QApplication(argc,argv),program(argv[0]),coutbuf(cout.rdbuf()),tested(false){
MainWindow *mainWindow = new MainWindow(argc,argv);
I recompiled all but I still get the same issue.
It's common to instantiate your UI class in the main function after the QApplication (-derived) object has been created.
I have not tested if that is the cause of your problem, but at least it's common coding style in Qt world.
Ohhhh i apologies for too many abbreviations in my writing.
[quote author="Volker" date="1298556541"][quote author="vishwajeet" date="1298555161"]
Problem seems simple here i guess, its just you have to check the difference between win and Linux in terms of main() code execution, max u might have to go 1 layer down but that should resolve ur problem. [/quote][Highlighting by me]
Can you please use correct english in your writings. It's hard to read these non obvious abbreviations, especially for non-native speakers. This is neither Twitter nor SMS, we do have far more than 140 available :-) so no need to confuse people.
[/quote]To jerome.bouat
Could you please check if @MyApp app(argc,argv);
return app.exec(); // event loop@ is getting executed in case of windows and Linux ? -
The below code fragment is being executed
on Windows (because the application works properly)
and Linux (because I don't get the error if I comment it) :
@MyApp app(argc,argv);
return app.exec(); // event loop@I moved the GUI initialization in a separate method (createWindow) :
@class MyApp : public QApplication{
bool tested;
QString program;
streambuf *coutbuf;
virtual ~MyApp();
// empty, just call super class constructor
// and initialize object attributesMyApp(int &,char **);
void createWindow(int &,char **);
Into this new method, I don't get the error message
if I comment the "show()" call
@void MyApp::createWindow(int &argc,char **argv){
MainWindow *mainWindow = new MainWindow(argc,argv);
mainWindow->show(); // no error if commented
Thus, the issue seems to be located into the super-super class method QWidget::show().
No way to analyze this here. Can you please:
- make a small test case
- put it into a complete project
- make sure it compiles, runs and shows the error
- put the sources (and only these) into a ZIP
- put the ZIP on dropbox, pastebin or make it available somewhere else
- post the link here