QMainWindow Close [SOLVED]
I am sure the answer to this is somewhere but I cannot seem to locate it. I am currently playing around with Qt and trying to connect a menu bar action "close" to the slot "close()." However, when I do this, I get no error messages. My GUI displays, but selecting Close in the menu does nothing. I am doing the connecting in the constructor of the QMainWindow. I can create a button and connect it to the close() slot and that works. And, I can, of course, use the red X to close my GUI as well. Is there something unique about the menu bar that might cause this? I can definitely post my code, but I simply copied the connect from the QAction to my QPushButton, changed the name and changed triggered() to clicked(). So, I assume the problem lies in how triggered events are handled vs clicked events. Thanks for any advice. I apologize if this exact question has been asked before. I did a quick search but nothing popped out as addressing this particular issue.
please post your not working code.
there is no difference in how signals are triggered. Wheny they are emitted, they will reach the target (if connected).
The X in the title bar goes another way, via the system events, but there should be no difference between the button and the action (if the action is really triggered)...