Different behavior of QPaint Print Text in different machines.
The is my Main GlPaint function
@void DemoEntityManager::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* ev)
newtonDemos* const mainWindow = (newtonDemos*) parent();makeCurrent();
// do all 2d drawing
glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);QPainter painter(this);
painter.setPen(Qt::white);//This is correct on all OS
Print (painter, 14, 14, "FPS: %6.2f", fps);// This is correct on Widnows 7, Linux and Mac but wrong on Windows64 (what is wrong?)
Print (painter, 14, 30, "Physics time (ms): %6.3f", m_physicsTime * 1000.0f);painter.end();
}@and this is the Print function
@void DemoEntityManager::Print (QPainter& painter, int x, int y, const char *fmt, ... ) const
va_list argptr;
char string[2048];va_start (argptr, fmt);
vsprintf (string, fmt, argptr);
va_end( argptr );painter.drawText(x, y, tr(string));
}@This work fine on an Window 7, Linux and Mac
whoever when I test it on a win64 system the statics text is all over the place on the screen.the funny thing is that If I only call Print once, the Text is printed correct,
Am I doing something incorrect?edit:
cleanup code to bare mimum tha reproduces the Bug on win64 -
Ok I edited to the bare minumum that can reproduce the Bug.
Sorry about that.
EDIT: Also fixed spellings