About QGtkStyle on Windows
Qt doesn't support QGtkStyle on Windows by default.
Here is an article about QGtkStyle_win32 in Qt labshttp://labs.qt.nokia.com/2008/10/02/qgtkstyle-now-on-windows-too/
but I cannot access the svn repository and QGtkStyle_win32 can never be found on git.
I like gtk styles so much. I am very appreciated if anyone can provide a copy of QGtkStyle_win32.
Looks like it's been removed from the Subversion repository altogether. Judging by "this comment":http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2008/10/02/qgtkstyle-now-on-windows-too/#comment-2632 from the style's creator, I think it was too buggy to continue with. Maybe you could track down the author and ask via email if he still has a copy lying around.