Mass removing of QGraphicsLineItem's from a QGraphicsScene
I handle graph's. I have a QGraphView connected to a QGraphicsScene. Some hundreds of constant header rectangles +texts are added first to the scene, then the graph containing abt. 5000 short linesegments. While time by time different graph's have to be drawn on the same base scene, I have created a QGraphicsItemGroup, and all the later-to-remove linesegments are added to this itemgroup. When I have to redraw with another graph, I empty the group, then add the new segments. It works well -except that emptying the itemgroup is very slow (takes seconds). Repopulate is much faster (<100msec), deleting some thousand QGraphicsLineItem's is the time-comsuming part. How to re-structure to make it faster?
(How to create a "mark" of actual state of the scene and later restore to this point (==remove multiple QGraphicsItem's from the QGraphicsScene) without memory leaks?@QGraphicsScene* sc;
QGraphicsItemGroup *scig1;
@@ QTime t; //for check timings
QGraphicsItem *del;
while (scig1->childItems().count() > 0) { //deleting old segments
del= scig1->childItems().at(0);
// del= scig1->childItems().at(scig1->childItems().count()-1); //deleting from back or forth -no difference
delete del;
qDebug() << QString("after zap %1").arg(t.elapsed());@
other try:
scig1= sc->createItemGroup(QList<QGraphicsItem*>::QList() );
qDebug() << QString("graf törlés után %1").arg(t.elapsed());
@ -
I couldn't find fast solution on the itemgroup way. Emptying and re-populationg itemgroup, or either deleting and re-creating was too slow (10,000 elements take 5 seconds on a strong quadcore pc w/ radeon 5670)
The solution seems to be a single QGraphicsPathItem object added to scene once. At every redraw I create a new QPainterPath, add all the segments, then assign this QPainterPath to the QGraphicsPathItem. This is very fast (the same couple thousand elements are redrawn in 15msec!!)@QGraphicsScene sc;
QGraphicsPathItem graf;
void MyGrView::DiagramRepaint(void) {
QPainterPath lin;
lin.moveTo( Pt->data()[0]->x, Pt->data()[0]->y );
for (int i=1; i < Pt->NrPoints; i++) {
lin.lineTo( Pt->data()[i]->x, Pt->data()[i]->y );