Problem downloading Mac / OS X SDK (its very, very slow)
Dear Forum
I am working on a cross platform development project that requires compiling
the Qt application on both Linux and the Mac. Everything is fine on the Linux
side but on the Mac side I have been unable to download the Qt Mac SDK for
several days of trying continuously. The Mac SDK is 927 MBs (fairly large if
you ask me) and I am getting about 17 KB/sec plus or minus. I have DSL here
and I normally get somewhere between 300 KB - 600 KB. This has been going
on for a long time now, and I am sure the problem is not on my end (e.g. it does
the same thing from different systems, different OSs and works just fine when
downloading from another site).So, does anyone have any suggestions ? Is there a mirror somewhere with
the file on it (not obviously from a simple search).The file, for what it is worth, is "qt-sdk-mac-opensource-2010.05.dmg".
Thank you again for any help or suggestions you may have.
Nevermind, it was a problem with my expensive router. I went out and got
a cheap netgear router and everything started working. I apologize for wasting
people's time.MW