XQuery problem
Hey there,
I am finally beginning to understand how to integrate XQuery and Qt, but I am still struggling a bit.
I ran my application and it runs, but one of the features does not appear to be working.
The console at the bottom gives me:
@Error XPST0003 in file:sidebarQuery.xq, at line 1, column 1: syntax error, unexpected end of file@
Is this a problem with my c++ code, XQuery code, or XML. I believe it is in the XQuery, but I am not sure what is wrong/where its wrong.
Here is my code:C++:
@void sideBar::initializeSideBar()
QFile xqueryFile("sidebarQuery.xq");
xqueryFile.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite);QXmlQuery query; query.setQuery(&xqueryFile, QUrl::fromLocalFile(xqueryFile.fileName())); QString result; query.evaluateTo(&result);
doc("sidebarApps.xml")/sidebarapps/app[pos = 1]/name
@<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><sidebarapps>
<name>"Google Drive"</name>
<name>"Google Docs"</name>
<name>"Google Calendar"</name>
I don't think the problem lies in the C++ or the XML, but I thought I would just make sure by asking.Thanks for your time!