Object-Oriented Database (OODBMS)
Some of us would like to know if the NoSQL trend is being taken into account here in Qt.
Even better, adding drivers to work with OODBMS, will be the ideal.RDBMS are undesirable for people who are innovating... If nowadays almost every developer develop object-oriented software and Qt has a fully object-oriented approach, why it's still stuck with the process of converting objects to data in tables?
Any interest of talking about the issue will be appreciated.
The data layer of Qt has been in need of love for a long time now. Even the Qt/SQL drivers are not really up to standard. Support for other database systems than SQL based ones would be nice, but I would not count on that being added in the near future.
What I am hoping for, is a completely new storage layer that abstracts away from what kind of storage backend is being used. It should not really matter that much if you use an OODBMS, a RDBMS, a REST webservice, an XML file or something else to store your data. I have a long draft mail with ideas on this sitting on my system, but I have not come around to finishing and sending that yet.
Hi, thanks for your post...
I also hope for this innovation in the data layer of Qt. I've been a long while without writing any desktop software but I've always seen Qt as the better choice for when it's time to resume Desktop.
The only issue is the data layer...If there will be a place for feedback or testing when the project of new data layer begins, it will be appreciated.