QSqlQuery memory leak when INSERT
Before complaining, post your code, there might be a memory leak in your code! Qt is properly tested, but off course bugs might exist. -
Here the method wich I call every time when need to write some data to DB. m_query is a mebber of class. @void LogRunnable::dbInsert(const sxProperties & cmd, const QVariant & parent, int type) {
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database(sxDB::connection::connectionName);
if (db.isOpen() == false) {
printToConsole("Database is not opened...");
if (false == checkDb(db)) {
int nextCommandId = getNextIdList();// adding command to db
QString newQueryStr;
const QString dateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(TimeTemplate::dateTime);
if (0 != parent) {
newQueryStr = QString("insert into %1( %2, %3, %4, %5, ) values (%6, '%7','%8', '%9', ''); ")
else {
newQueryStr = QString("insert into %1( %2, %3, %4,%8) values (%5, '%6','%7','%9'); ")
if (false == m_query.exec(newQueryStr)) {
printToConsole("Failed to insert argument to argument list: " + db.lastError().text());