QgraphicsScene problem
I have trouble using the QgraphicsScene in Qt.
When I am initializing the QGraphicsScene in the main.cpp i am able to use that. But when I am try to add that to an Widget & then add that to the main window its not working, I am not able to view anything. What is the problem?
Could you please post your code?
You probably have no QGraphicsView for the scene. Try to create a view(it's obvious it should be custom and inherit QGraphicsView class) and then type something like;
@Then add some items into the scene to check if it's working or not.
i am using
@ QGraphicsScene scene;
scene.setSceneRect(-300, -300, 600, 600);scene.setItemIndexMethod(QGraphicsScene::NoIndex);
QGraphicsView view(&scene);
view.setDragMode(QGraphicsView::ScrollHandDrag);view.setWindowTitle(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP(QGraphicsView, "Colliding Mice"));
view.show();QPixmap pm( IMG_BACKGROUND ); field.setBackgroundBrush( pm );@
inside the widget. And when I am calling the widget in the main window. The widget space is created but so QGraphicsScene is coming.
how to do that???
I am only using this much. -
thanks it solved my problem :)
[quote author="zgulser" date="1297759295"]view->setParent(this)[/quote]
Better set the parent in the constructor call:
QGraphicsView view(&scene, parentPointer);
// parentPointer could be this (if it's QObject based)
// or any other QObject that makes sense for your app
@All QObject based classes take a parent pointer as an optional argument.