Is it possible to put one native Win32 window and one Qt window together in same app
The layout should be like WinAmp, you know. There will be 2 top-level windows, one is native window, the other is Qt window, they sit side by side. And the app entry should be WinMain instead of QApplication.
First of all, I'm not sure that how to translate Windows messages to QEvents and how to start Qt event loop.The origin was that I already got a Qt widget, now I'm going to plan some additional features. These new features will be evolved and almost function independently. There will be only one direction communication, from new part to Qt widget.
Furthermore the people who will develop these features may totally have no knowledge of Qt, he could use Win32, MFC, even WinForm, etc.Does this make any sense?
Thanks. -
It must be possible. You can have a look at
You can easily translate the windows events to Qt events.
There are some examples with exactly what you wanted below. -
Please read the content of the web. The archive is moved to
You will find those classes in the source tree. -
Ok. here it is exactly...
Download these classes and use them. They are not part of the standard Qt sdk but some extended classes, but you can use them. -
You are welcome:)