GridLayout messed up
Please help me, I have spent quite some time on this and I don't get it at all.
I am trying to build a gui with 4 buttons and a table view and I want it to look like that but instead the buttons are messed up like that am using QGridLayout because I wanted the widgets to resize when I am resizing the window which now works but the view is not how I want it.
Any ideas?
You need to span tableview across several grid cells, like so:
QGridLayout* layout = new QGridLayout();
layout->addWidget(new QPushButton("Overview") ,0,0);
layout->addWidget(new QPushButton("Idle Stats"),1,0);
layout->addWidget(new QPushButton("Frequency Stats"),2,0);
layout->addWidget(new QPushButton("Tunables"),3,0);
layout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(0,0),4,0);
layout->addWidget(new QTableView(),0,1,5,1);whateverParentWidget->setLayout(layout);
@ -
[quote author="Chris Kawa" date="1390870977"]You need to span tableview across several grid cells, like so:
QGridLayout* layout = new QGridLayout();
layout->addWidget(new QPushButton("Overview") ,0,0);
layout->addWidget(new QPushButton("Idle Stats"),1,0);
layout->addWidget(new QPushButton("Frequency Stats"),2,0);
layout->addWidget(new QPushButton("Tunables"),3,0);
layout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(0,0),4,0);
layout->addWidget(new QTableView(),0,1,5,1);whateverParentWidget->setLayout(layout);
@[/quote]It seems that this works but I don't understand why. Instead of writing "new QPushButton" and "new QTableView" I was giving the names of the buttons and tableView objects I created from the designer and for the table view I was using the second version of addWidget, @void QGridLayout::addWidget ( QWidget * widget, int fromRow, int fromColumn, int rowSpan, int columnSpan, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0 )@ how did you know the values of fromRow, fromColumn, rowSpan and columnSpan??
The key here is the spacer item and rowSpan parameter of the item containing tableview.
Imagine a grid of cells like this (row-column):
[0-0] [0-1]
[1-0] [1-1]
[2-0] [2-1]
[3-0] [3-1]
[4-0] [4-1]
Each button gets a single cell: 0-0, 1-0, 2-0 and 3-0.
Under the buttons there's a spacer at 4-0 used to fill the remaining vertical space.
The whole second column (5 cells) is occupied by tableview. I set it to start at 0-1 and occupy 5 cells vertically and one horizontally (rowSpan=5, colSpan=1).What didn't work on your image is that you had the tableview in correct spot but occupying a single cell, while it should span vertically.
If you want to create this in the designer instead of writing that code then just insert items like you had them previously, add a spacer (the blue vertical spring thingie) under buttons and then click and drag the bottom border of the tableview to span it down.
Sure, go ahead.