Qsqlquery: problem with multiple queries at the same time.
I wrote some widgets which I instantiate in a main window. Every widget is bound to a database using a class called dbManager, which implements a qtsqldatabse object and some functions to insert into the db tables. The dbManager cass is passed as reference to every widget in order to have a singe database connection. When I'm inserting record into the db (a threaded Class) and I want to browse the tabe content I get this message:
Unable to free statement: lost synchronization with server: got message type "?", length -33673258
and the program crash.
To load data into the db entries browser I use this pattern to update the shown data:
@ QSqlQuery query;
query.prepare("SELECT T.content FROM tweet T WHERE T.topic = :topic AND LANGUAGE = :language AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT V.tweet_id FROM voted_tweet V WHERE T.tweet_id = V.tweet_id)");
ui->tableView->setModel(queryModelcol);// --- Full Model QSqlQuery query2; query2.prepare("SELECT * FROM tweet T WHERE T.topic = :topic AND LANGUAGE = :language AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT V.tweet_id FROM voted_tweet V WHERE T.tweet_id = V.tweet_id)"); query2.bindValue(":topic",arg1); query2.bindValue(":language",ui->langSelector->currentText()); query2.exec(); queryModelrow->setQuery(query2);@
In the DB manager cass records are inserted in the folowing way:
@QSqlQuery query;
query.prepare("INSERT INTO TWITTER_USER (user_id, name, language, img)"
"VALUES (:user_id, :name, :language, :img)");query.bindValue(":user_id", data.at(0).toUtf8().constData()); query.bindValue(":name", data.at(1).toUtf8().constData()); query.bindValue(":language", data.at(2).toUtf8().constData()); query.bindValue(":img", data.at(3).toUtf8().constData()); if (query.exec() ) return true; else return false;@
I'm using PostgreSql with the psql driver on Windows. I tryed to set transactions for every query execution and also to use a single query object with .finish() function, but the result is Always the same.
Do you have suggestions to find a way to solve the error?