Getting the Axis aligned Bound Box of an item is has transformations (rotation, scaling,...)
I need to find a way to retrieve the AABB of an item that works even if it has transformations applied.
I thought anchors was always AA, but left can look to bottom with a rotation of -45 degrees.I need something precise to be able to place other elements correctly.
I tried with a component but it's not really easy to implement and there is a lot of hacks without success.
I got the solution, I just miss Rect are Axis Aligned so we can simply apply the item transformation to get the AABB :
import QtQuick 2.1Rectangle {
id: aabb
color: "#AAAAFF"property real childrenRotation: { if (children.length) return children[0].rotation else return false } property real childrenScaling: { if (children.length) return children[0].scale else return false } onChildrenRotationChanged: update() onChildrenScalingChanged: update() function update() { var rect = mapFromItem(children[0], children[0].x, children[0].y, children[0].width, children[0].height) width = rect.width height = rect.height }
@main.qml (Center the child in the AABB component) :
import QtQuick 2.0Rectangle {
width: 360
height: 360
anchors.centerIn: parentText { text: qsTr("Hello World") anchors.centerIn: parent transformOrigin: Item.Center SequentialAnimation on rotation { // Animations on properties start running by default running: true loops: Animation.Infinite // The animation is set to loop indefinitely NumberAnimation { from: 0; to: 359; duration: 50000 } } SequentialAnimation on scale { // Animations on properties start running by default running: true loops: Animation.Infinite // The animation is set to loop indefinitely NumberAnimation { from: 0.25; to: 4; duration: 50000 } } } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { Qt.quit(); } }