Type errors using QInputDialog()
I am cutting and pasting examples that work into my app and I get these errors.
bq. Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/me/scripts/ghf/ghf.py", line 295, in bkill
TypeError: 'PySide.QtGui.QInputDialog.getText' called with wrong argument types:
PySide.QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(Ui_StatCheck, str, str, PySide.QtGui.QLineEdit.EchoMode, unicode)
Supported signatures:
PySide.QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(PySide.QtGui.QWidget, unicode, unicode, PySide.QtGui.QLineEdit.EchoMode = QLineEdit.Normal, unicode = QString(), PySide.QtCore.bool, PySide.QtCore.Qt.WindowFlags = 0)
PySide.QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(PySide.QtGui.QWidget, unicode, unicode, PySide.QtGui.QLineEdit.EchoMode, unicode, PySide.QtCore.bool, PySide.QtCore.Qt.WindowFlags, PySide.QtCore.Qt.InputMethodHints)The python code for the GUI is generated by pyside-uic and it defines a class as "class Ui_MainWindow(object):"
I've noticed in the example I am using the class is defined as "class Dialog(QtGui.QDialog):" so I am assuming that is the root of my problem.
This is the function definition from the example;
@def setText(self):
text, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(self, "QInputDialog.getText()",
"User name:", QtGui.QLineEdit.Normal,
if ok and text != '':
self.textLabel.setText(text)@The function is called with "pushButton.clicked.connect(self.setText)". Since my signal is part of an 'object' class instead of a 'QtGui.Qdialog' class how do I invoke an input dialog?