Tel: urls in Qt Webkit
similar discussion with suggestions here: "":
Hi Creep.
I'm using Qt Webkit via a "QML WebView object": -- is there a moderately painless way of making my own QML WebView that uses a custom subclass of QWebPage? I have looked at the QDeclarativeWebView source and it defines its own QDeclarativeWebPage as a private class. Can I change that without copying the entire rest of the QDeclarativeWebView class?
I don't work with the QML thing so i don't know exactly how to link between QDeclarativeWebView and QML WebView but i did take a look in QDeclarativeWebView[.cpp/_p.h] and here is what i suggest:
1 - webView has more signal than what is documented in Nokia doc (all QDeclarativeWebView signals actually), can you take a quick check to verify if onUrlChanged:"Ok") show sth if you change your Url?
2 - if 1 is true then you should reimplement QDeclarativeWebView by adding in QDeclarativeWebView_p.h
void phoneNumber(const QString& message) as a signal
then reimplement bool QDeclarativeWebPage::acceptNavigationRequest ( QWebFrame * frame, const QNetworkRequest & request, NavigationType type ) by adding sth like
if (request.url().scheme() == “tel”)
emit viewItem()->phoneNumber(xxx);
3 - make phone call on onPhoneNumber(string) returns by WebView.Hope it would help.