[SOLVED] ListElement and QT_TR_NOOP()
I have such code:
@ListModel {
id: langModelListElement { fullName: QT_TR_NOOP("Russian") shortName: "Ru" } ListElement { fullName: QT_TR_NOOP("English") shortName: "En" } and etc.@
I got .ts file from this .qml and translated it.. After that I installed .qm file to app: installTranslator(), but these string weren't translated. Although other string with qsTr() script were translated.. So how I can fix this issue?
P.S. I tried hellotr example, and replaced qsTr() with QT_TR_NOOP().. Translation doesn't work anymore (for hellotr example) :)
Solution is: qsTr(fullName) in the delegate
link: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-11403