2 QPixmap to 1 QPixmap: Problem with invisible pixels
Hey guys!
I'm writing a function to put a QPixmap on an other QPixmap.
This works fine with this function:@void AImage::addPixmap(int x, int y, QPixmap pixmap){
QImage pix = pixmap.toImage();
QImage image = tile_image->getPixmap().toImage();int w = pix.width(); int h = pix.height(); float dX = 0; float dY = 0; for(int i = 0; i < image.width(); i++){ for(int j = 0; j < image.height(); j++){ if(i >= x && i <= x + w && j >= y && j <= y+h){ if(QColor(pix.pixel(dX,dY)).){ // I want to check here if the pixel is invisible.. but how? image.setPixel(i,j,pix.pixel(dX,dY)); } dY++; } } if(dY > 0){ dX++; } dY = 0; } QPixmap outPut = QPixmap::fromImage(image); tile_image->setPixmap(outPut);
But how can I detect invisible pixels? I have a png file with some invisible pixels and don't want to put them on the background QPixmap.
I hope you can help me and sorry for my bad English :)
I am not an expert on Image convertion but I found this on doc: "Alpha-Blended Drawing":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qcolor.html#alpha-blended-drawing
bq. QColor also support alpha-blended outlining and filling. The alpha channel of a color specifies the transparency effect, 0 represents a fully transparent color, while 255 represents a fully opaque color.
So I think your if-statement should be some thing like:
@if(QColor(pix.pixel(dX,dY)).alpha() < 255 )@Hope it helps! :)
Yeah but there is a transparent background
I uploaded the image. You have to save it then you will see there is a transparent background.
But thank you for your help :)
do you depend on this code? I mean there is a way easier method using QPainter:
void AImage::addPixmap(int x, int y, const QPixmap & pixmap)
QPixmap sourcePix = tile_image->getPixmap();QPainter p(sourcePix); p.drawPixmap( x, y, pixmap ); p.end(); tile_image->setPixmap(sourcePix);