Problem on Mac with Qt-Creator 2.0.1: QMake?
Hi Guys !
I installed qt-creator-mac-opensource-2.0.1.dmg on my Mac. No errors during the installation.
But if i try to run a project something like ... "QMake path is not set" ... was shown.
So, i set in in configuration {<apple> + , } --> Qt
/Users/name/NokiaQtSDK/Simulator/Qt/gcc/bin/qmakeafter a restart, I try to run a project again i get:
@dyld: Library not loaded: bq. /Installer/BUILD______PADDED/ndk/Simulator/Qt/gcc/lib/QtGui.framework/Versions/4/QtGui
Referenced from: /Users/name/QtWorkspace/myTest-build-simulator/
Reason: image not found@What can i do ? :)
And, other Question, I read that its not possible to develop Symbian Apps. but i found a great Simulator ?!?!
MERCI !!! =)
Just read the other thread - SDK tech preview 1.1 could be a solution for you too.
Danke Voker !
Ok! I uninstalled all parts of Qt and installed NokiaQtSDKInstaller and Qt Creator 2.1 RC1.
And after setting /Users/name/NokiaQtSDK/Simulator/Qt/gcc/bin/qmake as PATH for QMake...
btw. the installation if NokiaQtSDKInstaller costs 3 hours !