Multiple (simultaneous) Requests with QNetworkAccessManager
I want to make multiple requests with QNetworkAccessManager in a loop: The class CScriptUpdater is derived from QNetworkAccessManager and uses it's get() function to make the requests.@void CScriptUpdater::OnFinishedCheckingScriptUpdates()
connect(this, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(OnFinishedScriptDownload(QNetworkReply*)));
// ...
foreach (const QString &script, scriptList)
// ...
sUrl = sUrl.arg(currentScript[0]);
QNetworkRequest request = QNetworkRequest(QUrl(sUrl));
request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "text/plain; charset=UTF-8");
QNetworkReply* pNetworkReply = get(request);
CScriptUpdater* updater = new CScriptUpdater(m_pHttpManager, currentScript[0], pNetworkReply);
}@Here the constructor and the connected slot:
@CScriptUpdater::CScriptUpdater(CHttpManager* pHttpManager, QString host, QNetworkReply *pReply)
m_pHttpManager = pHttpManager;
m_sHost = host;
m_pNetworkReply = pReply;
}void CScriptUpdater::OnFinishedScriptDownload(QNetworkReply *pReply)
QString sReply = QString(pReply->readAll());
QNetworkRequest req = pReply->request();
QString host = req.url().toString();
}@The problem is:
QString sReply is always empty except for the last request made in the foreach loop. How do I correctly make multiple asynchronous requests? Thanksedit. the creation of new CScriptUpdater objects in the loop is actually not necessary. Previously I used the finished() Signal of QNetworkReply (instead of QNetworkAccessManager as posted above) and so I had to store all reply objects... But the result was the same.