How to install SDKs for other platforms and do i need other compilers?
sorry for this newbie questions but i searched the forum and cant find the answers.
I have installed QT for Windows from this: i start a new project there is no other platfrom to choose under project creation, only my platfrom (desktop).
I think i need to install other SDKs, so i downloaded:
There is a readme how to install the SDK, but it says i should use the instructions given at: there stands: "If you have obtained a binary package for this platform, consult the installation instructions provided instead of the ones in this document."
But i dont know which instruction and where to find them!?
And need i other compilers? For example VisualStudio or emmbeded VC for Windows CE?
Can i compile for Linux too, or must i install a linux version?greets
Rigoletto -
Hi, thanks for the answer, but cant find 2.1, i guess you mean Qt SDK 1.1:
Thats, fine i try to develop a little tool as trayicon that is communitcate with a website. It should be used for manage clan meetings.
Looks like all requiered api functions are available,
and Windows, linux and symbian should not be problem.But how is it about Windows CE/Windows Mobile, where can i find the install instruction for this SDK and need i compiler like Visual Studio or embedded VC 4.0?
Rigoletto -
To build for Win CE you need the Windows SDKs installed on your machine, that means teh MSVS tool chain (at least the compiler, IDE is not needed) and the CE SDK. An "overview of Windows SDK can be found here": or: "SDK for Windows Mobile 2003-based Smartphones":
When you have build the Qt libs for CE, you should be able to compile your project for windows CE.
[quote author="Rigoletto" date="1296715826"]Hi, thanks for the answer, but cant find 2.1, i guess you mean Qt SDK 1.1:
[/quote]My bad... You are right. I meant the SDK 1.1 (preview) that comes with the Qt Creator 2.1 (Preview)